You must follow the guide & format provided upon requesting an STS
If you are unable to copy & paste messages from a seperate website do not host an STS, the messages must be pasted as stated
You must be able to frequently switch between tabs to ensure each member present is within the Discord server during the end of the STS
A Shoulder to Shoulder is hosted when the server requires a rule refresh or the server is chaos. We advise 2 or 3 Staff to be present in-game and you should NOT host an STS whilst moderating alone. You must follow the guide to ensure the STS is conducted correctly.
STS Guide & Information
You must follow the guide below during the STS so it is conducted correctly:
:h An STS is about to commence in our server. Wrap up all current roleplays whilst we prepare for the STS.
:h You will be teleported shortly for our STS. This is your final call to wrap up your roleplays.
Run :bring others 2 times to ensure each member has been teleported to the area.
:h Line up on the Red Line.
:m Make sure you're inside of our Communications Server. We will do checks for this later. The code is s-l-c-r-p (no dashes).
:m Moving, emoting, or talking during this STS is prohibited.
:m We will now review our roleplay rules, these can be found in #📃 | game-rules.
Wait 15 seconds before sending the next round of messages below.
:m All roleplays must be kept to a realistic standard. Don't do anything that wouldn't make sense in real life.
:m Shooting or Killing without a valid reason to do so is a violation of our rules.
:m Attempting to get attention by breaking rules, or disturbing a scene is considered a violation of our rules.
:m Attempting to glitch a vehicle, or glitch any other part of the game is against our rules.
:m If you get killed, you are prohibited from showing remembrance for the killer. You must live a new life.
:m Common Sense is a given and should be practiced whilst roleplaying on our server. This can mean accepting detain requests.
:m GTA/Unrealistic driving is prohibited. If you're driving off-road, your vehicle must be high up, and you must be going a realistic speed.
:m SWAT is an invite only team. You may apply for SWAT in our Communications Server @ .gg/slcrp
:m DOT must get road work done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Permissions is required from doing any sort of road work.
:m Interrupting roleplays is prohibited. Don't get involved in roleplays you aren't originally involved in.
:m Abusing '!mod' or, '!help' is prohibited. You will be moderated for abusing this.
:m Whilst a priority is active, you are prohibited from getting involved or instigating scenes that involve emergency services.
:m Your avatar must be realistic, meaning not too many accessories and nothing that is unrealistic.
:m Space out robberies and don't simultaneously rob multiple locations.
:m We are now conducting our avatar checks and communications checks, do not move.
:m You are required to be in our communications server to roleplay! Join @ .gg/s-l-c-r-p (no dashes)
:m This STS is now over. If you have any questions, raise your hands.
Now each member has been dismissed, wait in a line to answer any questions individuals may have. Once the questions have been answered, start a priority for a cooldown after the STS.
:prty 300
:m The priority timer has now been initiated. Do not start any priority scenes until the timer has concluded.