Infraction & Activity
Review below for information regarding activity, promotions & infractions:
Helpful Pointers
Promotions are issued based of activity, infraction record & reviews
Infractions are issued for behaviour that misrepresents the community
Our weekly quota is 5 hours and failure to meet this requirement will result in an activity notice, which is held every Saturday
Activity Requirement
Review information regarding our activity requirement:
Each Saturday we review the weekly leaderboard and decide whether the users who haven't met the requirement are deemed fit for an activity notice. You will not be noticed if you've had a Leave of Absence running somewhat through that week as it prevents you from meeting the full quota. You are given a total of 3 notices until you are terminated for inactivity.
Activity notices go onto your record & our database
If you've accumulated 3 notices, you'll be terminated
If you've reached 4 hours & 50 minutes for example, you may be let off that week
Shifts reset after inactivity notices are issued. Time counts for the following week the second a Management Member alerts you to say the leaderboard has been refreshed.
Review information regarding infractions:
Infractions are issued to Staff member(s) who misrepresent the community either In-Game or Discord. We prefer not to issue infractions as we are here to help you reach your best potential, but if we deem your actions infraction worthy, we reserve each right to infract you. The types of punishments that can be issued are below:
Notice: Notices are considered a 'Verbal Warning' for a less severe offence. This does go on our database and numerous notices could lead to a Warning or Strike.
Warning: Warnings are issued to a Staff member for a slightly more severe offence. Warnings go on your record & our database and could affect promotions.
Strike: Strikes are issued to a Staff member for a severe offence. Strikes are logged on your record and will heavily affect promotions & future opportunities. If you receive 3 strikes, you will be terminated for misrepresentation.
Demotion: Demotions are issued for severe offences where we feel you misrepresent the role you are acting incorrectly. You will normally be sent back to Trial Moderator to re-complete your assessment, ride along & trial phase.
Termination: Terminations are issued for severe offences, so severe that we can no longer have you representing our Staff Team. You'll be removed from our team and that will be used against you for appeals and if you decide to re-apply.
All infractions are private, you'll be messaged by a Management Member if you've been issued an infraction and whether or not it is appealable.
Staff Promotions
Review information regarding promotions:
Promotions are issued at anytime, there's no set date to when we promote someone. Promotions are issued to those who we deem responsible, active and actively contributing to the community. You'll be notified within the promotion channel and provided with necessary information.
Promotions aren't just about activity, factors such as infractions can play a part
Promotions are held at anytime, could be frequently could be less frequently
Asking and/or hinting for a promotion will result in an infraction
Last updated