Welcome Trial Moderators
Review information relevant to your career here. This forum page will go through how we expect you to conduct yourself throughout your trial phase(s).
Welcome to our team
We'd like to welcome you to our team, congratulations on reaching this far, not many do. Thank you for showing interest in joining our team. Our team consists of passionate and skilful individuals who are always willing to volunteer and help others with anything. We'd like to wish you the utmost luck through your onboarding process. We hope to see you on our team soon.
Moderation Basic Assessment (Part 1)
Moderation Ride-Along (Part 2)
Moderation Trial Phase (Part 3)
Working and communicating with others
Whilst working alongside our team, we expect you to be a rolemodel and act responsibly around the community, this includes In-Game. Not only are you representing yourself, but you are representing our Staff Team. We expect you to be respectful and open minded, any disrespect or hatred towards others will result in an infraction. You must be civil, respectful and responsible at ALL times to ensure our team consists of a positive environment.
You must show respect, maturity and professionalism at ALL times
Respect others views, references and opinions at ALL times
Listen to those who are here to guide and instruct you, we are here to help you achieve your full potential
Once you've been roled, you are given a total of 14 days to complete your Basic Assessment, Moderation Ride-Along and to start your Moderation Trial Phase. Those who make minimal effort to complete these steps will be removed from the team.
Last updated